My grandmother loved life! She was a great friend to all of us as we grew up and was present at every family occasion since ever I remember. So we will miss her. She was born Williamina Stevenson over 103 years ago.
Life was not always easy for Munny as we all affectionately knew her. She was married young and, sadly, widowed after only eight years with 4 children having been born into the family. She also lost her eldest son to TB around the same time. Four years later she remarried and had one more daughter, but alas the war came along and husband number 2 was killed in action. So still with 4 children to bring up, Munny worked all the hours she could in various jobs to keep the family together.
During the early years of her first marriage, Munny and her husband accepted the Lord Jesus into their lives, asking Him to forgive their sins and trusting Him with their lives. Jesus was the mainstay of her life for over 80 years, and she often testified of the many ways in which she knew His presence and help in her daily life, especially in these years of struggle to bring up a family alone during the war and in the following years.
Getting old is really not for cowards, but Munny had amazing strength and health in her life, and never saw herself as aging at all. She was always game for travelling, for visiting, and for a challenge. Even in the last years of her life when she had her limitations, she still enjoyed getting outside and having people visit. The Sunday before she died, she was out for a spin in her wheelchair and enjoyed a cup of tea in the garden at her granddaughter Pat”s home.
In the last few months, she was eagerly waiting on the Lord to take her home and He did that on May 26th this year. For all of us left behind, we thank her for the legacy of joy and happiness she left us. She prayed for us, she enjoyed our company, she passed on her zest for life to us, and most importantly, she told us and showed us what it means to trust in Jesus as Saviour.
Today, she no longer feels 103 years old, but is enjoying the presence of Jesus and all our loved ones who have gone before, while waiting for the rest of the family to join her! We also look forward to that day, but meantime there are many to be reached and much to be learnt. Thanks Munny for all your input into our lives over many years!!!!