“I am the Lord, I change not!” Malachi 3:6
This verse has been precious to me especially over the past month.
I am one of these folk who must be organized and know what and where I am going. I had spent hours on the internet working out our travel plans for coming home and for the various visits we had to make. I was a little apprehensive that the timing may have been off and we might miss a boat or plane. But as we crossed the Continent it seemed all the plans were taking shape as I imagined and any fears I had were unfounded. Arriving at Dover, we were asked would we like to take an earlier boat at no extra cost! This was amazing and would mean much less of a rush at the other end.
We arrived close to the airport in plenty of time and I decided to pick up a card for a birthday. Then it happened! In seconds, the plans I had made so carefully over many days were changed and suddenly God”s plans and our plans were not in agreement. I slipped on ice and was rushed off to hospital for surgery on a nasty broken ankle. The expected flight to Ireland left without David and it all seemed like such a waste! At first, I tried to make all the already agreed plans work out, until I finally accepted that it was out of my control.
For me, it is not easy to relinquish that control and see His new plan to be the better one! Why did He allow me to book the flights if we were never going to make it? What else of the planned program would have to be changed? But the more I asked, the more the Lord assured me of the above verse and of the fact that “His ways are Higher than ours!” I can”t describe to you the perfect peace to learn to rest and to lean on Him so completely. I believed, I was already totally dependent on Him for my everyday existence, and what else is there? But no, He wanted me to learn that He still holds the reins and has the better plan for me.
There have been many changes and alterations in plans over these past weeks and I have no doubt there are more ahead!! However, there have been people we met and have spoken to that we never would have known under normal circumstances. Gospel booklets, tracts and witnessing have been placed in situations where the good news badly needed to be heard. Friendships have been made which will not be easily forgotten. And I have seen God”s Personal Plan for me unfurl.
I don”t believe God caused this to fulfill His plan, but I know, He permitted it for the purpose of bringing us to others, of showing us His Power, continued love & care. Only eternity will show how precious needy souls are to Him that He will orchestrate an opportunity for them to hear the gospel. Personally, I see His gracious hand in that I was on British soil and did not have to battle with a foreign hospital, good surgery was performed and there were Doctors and nurses available to do the work. Christmas time with family was different than anticipated, but special too and the lessons being learned, continue daily.
When did you last have to remember to ask for His help before carrying out a simple daily task, as the logistics were challenging? Many of His people in other parts of the world have to do exactly that on a daily basis to survive. Our hearts, and whatever assistance we can give, go out to the many who are suffering in Haiti today and I am sure those who love the Lord are pleading with Him for understanding of that situation. Our finite minds can”t understand, but we can pray that in spite of the circumstances many survivors will respond to the Gospel as it is shared by helpers and other believers! He is the Lord, He does not change, His ways are higher, but He has a plan for each of us!