We all know the Josh McDowell story that if we were to be arrested for being a Christian would there be enough evidence in our lives to bring a guilty verdict against us. I trust there would and we may need in future to make sure that evidence is clear to be seen, as the way things are going in our world today, Christians are being arrested or falsely accused for all sorts of reasons.
There is another plaque going around that my cousin recently had on FaceBook, which gives 12 reasons why the world thinks we as believers are mad. These are very good, if somewhat funny, when we try to look at ourselves through the eyes of the world.
To highlight a few of the traits the world find hard to believe about a Christian, yet when questioned it is often one of these “peculiarities” seen in a Christian, which attracts a non-believer to Christ. Therefore, if we aren”t showing these attributes, we would really need to question our allegiance to this faith:
1. We believe a report of someone rising from the dead! [Luke 24:10-11]
We most certainly do love Him and He most definitely did rise again. Seen by over 500 witnesses between the Resurrection and His Ascendance into Heaven. Don”t you think if they had a body, the authorities wouldn”t have joyfully produced it after three days was up, to try and prove what He said was wrong and that the disciples were lying when they said, “He is Risen”? Test the waters, read the evidence, Jesus doesn”t mind your questions. He wants you to find the answers.
2. We love someone we have never seen [1 Peter 1:7-9]
True, we haven”t seen Jesus in the flesh, as yet. But we have seen His works and His Hand in our lives each day, as He appears to us in so many ways, protecting, guiding, comforting, and keeping us in the center of His Will which is good, acceptable and perfect for us. We know Him, through the pages of God”s Word, through the promptings and leadings of the Holy Spirit and by the many personal experiences He brings us through to make us more like Him. He loved us before we loved Him, but after He drew us to Himself, we couldn”t do anything less than fall deeply in love with our Savior. My friend, if you don”t know Him, He still loves you and longs that you seek after Truth. “You will find Him if you seek Him with all your Heart.” Deuteronomy 4:29.
3. We know we are wrong [sinners] [Romans 7:18]
If we are honest, there is no one who is always right, so no matter who we are we are often wrong. Therefore, it is not hard to admit that we are wrong. Ever seen a few month old baby throw a temper tantrum, when it doesn”t get what he wants immediately? Have you witnessed a toddler who doesn”t get his own way? We don”t need taught how to sin, its there from the beginning! Actually, when you admit you are a sinner, and accept Jesus” offer of forgiveness, it is a huge relief, the burden is removed and with joy we know, that He is daily changing your character as we keep close to Him. Its only then you realize just how impossible it is to be upright and just without His Spirit living in you.
4. We talk to God and expect Him to answer [Acts 12:13-16]
This is an amusing story of how the Christians were at prayer for Peter who was in prison and although they were asking God for his release, when Peter appears at the door, they don”t believe Rhoda who has answered the door. They think she has gone mad! So often, we ask God to do something special and yet how often when it happens are we surprised? Yes, we talk to God. Praise Him for this great privilege!! Through prayer we can affect the lives of people on the other side of the world, or we can see His hand in even the smallest problem in our own lives. He is always interested, always does what is best for us and because He knows the outcome or the end from the beginning, He won”t always give us what we ask right away, we may have to wait a while, but He will answer.
5. We spend our lives studying the Bible [Acts 26:24]
We could spend a thousand lifetimes studying His Word and always find something new in it. It is God-breathed, inspired, inerrant, and has all the answers we need for this life and tells us of the next life too. Some days, one verse can come as a comfort to us and that same passage can also be used to rebuke or guide us when that is what we need. His Word is precious, “sharper than any two edged sword‚Ķ., and discerns the intentions of the heart” Hebrews 4:12. The more we read and take advice, the more we are conformed to His image!
6. We pray for people whom we have never met and live on the other side of the world [Hebrews 13:3]
“Remember the prisoners, as though in prison with them, and those who are ill-treated, since you yourselves also are in the body” This is a very big privilege we have as believers to be able to pray for the people who have been imprisoned, tortured or persecuted for their faith. We are all part of the one body of believers and when one suffers, we all do, so we need to pray earnestly and help in many other ways to alleviate and comfort the suffering brothers and sisters. We can also pray for God to touch sick people when we are not able to be with them and to speak to the hearts of unbelieving friends and family. God has given us this great gift of two way communication with Him and we need to use it more. It is like everything else, the more we use it, the more accustomed we are to how it works and comfortable we are to use this precious gift! We become excited to watch how God is going to answer us this time.
7. We invite strangers, give money, our address etc. to needy people we don”t know
[Mark 3:19b-22]
Hospitality is a blessing we offer others and immediately when we meet other brothers and sisters, we are bonded with them, as we are after all, each one adopted into His family, so we are one big family! True, not everyone thinks exactly like the other and we are many varieties, personalities and characters, but all striving to follow Jesus and have the one goal of getting to know God better, of one day going to Heaven with Him and taking as many others with us as possible. No believers don”t remain strangers for long.
[1 John 3:14]”We know that we love God because we also love the brethren.”
But, we also offer hospitality and love to people in need, as no matter what need a person has, the most important thing he needs is to know that someone loves them and we can show them Jesus love for them. How many have been reached for Christ by an act of love from a believer. Let us be willing to reach out of our comfort zones and show love to others.
8. No matter the danger, we don”t compromise the message [Jeremiah:26-27] [John 10:18-21]
God gives needed grace for each situation we find ourselves in. It is easy to worry that we might let the Lord down in a difficult situation, and we may, but he does forgive. Look at Peter”s story: He always seemed to put his foot in it, even to denying the Lord three times and yet, after the Lord forgave him, Peter became one of the greatest carriers of the Christian message this world has ever known and died a martyr”s death, choosing to die on an upside down cross, as he didn”t think himself worthy to die in the same way Jesus did. God gave the grace Peter needed when he needed it.
According to historical tradition, it is said, that the Apostle John was dipped in boiling oil and came out of it unscathed, before he was exiled to Patmos. Yes, these men did not compromise the message even if it meant death. Throughout the ages, there have been believers called upon to deny Christ or suffer martyrdom. Some of these torture methods have been despicable, but we experience the freedoms we have, largely because of the efforts of those who suffered unto death. I know, these freedoms are greatly curtailed in many lands today and indeed, it is becoming so in our own land, but I still believe as the old covenanter once said, We will get “boiling oil grace” when we need it, if we stand on the message and trust Jesus with the consequences. Indeed, we must, or our children and grandchildren won”t have the opportunity to follow Christ in Freedom, as we have had.
David & I just watched the movie, “Do you Believe” again, and if you need a modern day movie to show people, especially non-believers, on what it really means to follow Jesus and to live for Him in every situation, this is the one to watch. It gives a good view of some of the scenarios, which make the world think we are mad.
If having this relationship with Jesus and living for Him is what makes people think we are mad, we are so glad to be able to show Jesus to them. Then we can be certain, that there will be enough evidence to show we are His Children. So, let us all continue, with abundant joy, to serve Him and live this mad life, knowing even if we suffer for Him, others will be praying for us and together we will all one day spend eternity in Heaven.