Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Christmas – All year round!

Tuesday, October 10th, 2023

Christmas all Year Round 


Every year, signs of Christmas seem to appear even earlier. As I was shopping for groceries last week, I noticed that already the shelves were beginning to show goods that usually only appear for Christmas, and it made me wonder why. The world is general is becoming more godless and yet, they seem to want to celebrate Christmas for at least a few months of the year. Is it because the preparatory time is more exciting than the actual event? Or could it be that lives are so empty for much of the year that they want to think earlier on Christmas time? In these days of rising costs, do people need more time to get organized?

Whatever the reason, on the whole people have less idea of why we celebrate, and who is the main person for the season. Many will celebrate Christmas without as much as a thought of who the baby really is/was.

As we interact, we can ask the same question of ourselves that Jesus asked off his disciples, ‘But what about you, who do you say that I am?

We can ask the question of others too and let them know that He is as Peter replied, ‘ The Messiah, the Son of God!’

Yes, Jesus could have come to earth as a King to rule the world, instead at that time, He came as a baby to save the world! An unlikely place, a humble place and a manger as the only available bed. It was foretold in Isaiah 42 that ‘He would not shout, or cry out or raise His voice in the streets. A bruised reed he would not break, nor a smoking flax would he quench’.  He came meekly [not weakly], but so unassuming to draw us gently to Himself and offer us peace and eternal life! That peace and forgiveness is thankfully, still available to us all, if we want to live with our sins forgiven.

On a recent visit to the synagogue at Berea, we talked with an older man who had been born a few doors from the synagogue. He told us that an Orthodox Priest had taken in him and his mother when the Nazi’s were rounding up all the Jews for extermination, and had looked after them. It was thanks to his family that they had survived the holocaust.

The bravery of many in these days reminds us of Queen Esther in the Bible. She chose at her cousin’s urging not to hide her identity, but to entreat the King on behalf of the Jews in spite of the danger to herself.

Maybe we don’t have to take such a drastic stance, but are we willing to speak out against the injustices to Christians in other lands, or do we try to help our brothers/sisters in need. Countries like Ukraine, Sudan and Israel have had internal war this year, we need to reach as many of them as possible with the Gospel message.

We, who believe and trust in the Lord Jesus,  live in God’s Story all year round, not just at Christmas time. There is a central plot. God created the human race, we fell into sin, only a blood sacrifice could restore us to God, God sent His son Jesus to die to save us. He rose again from the dead and we are waiting for His return.

Now, that we know the background story and the future events, how should we live? We turn from sin by God’s power and love others enough to tell them the story too!!

Let’s comfort, guide and help those along the way who need to know His Love and the Reason why He came!! That way we can really celebrate Christmas all year round!

How should we Respond to Papal Visit in Syria?

Tuesday, March 9th, 2021
There is no doubt that this visit is drawing attention to one of the neediest areas on earth. If it brings financial or practical help and other resources to rebuild this once vibrant land, then it could be positive. However, despite the genocide murder, torture, rape, destruction of homes, property and wholesale atrocities which have been perpetrated upon this nation, Syria has become a signpost to billions of people worldwide, that the beliefs and behaviour patterns of those following extremist Islamic teachings are satanic. Anyone condoning, agreeing with or not condemning I.S. ideology shares part of the blame for what they have been allowed to accomplish.
The positive side, is that many Muslims have clearly seen what Islam is, and multitudes have found faith in Christ Jesus to be the One, who heals broken hearts, restores lost hope, gives meaning to shattered lives, peace to searching souls and forgiveness to repentant sinners, [both respectable and murderously evil ones]. As Martin Luther King stated, ‘Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about things that matter.
Many people have written condemning Open Doors’ reaction to the Papal visit. Others, immediately condemned those doing the condemning, accusing them of vitriolic hate-mongering and judgementalism. What is the use of speaking or writing if we only arouse anger and further division? Jesus told us, ‘They would know we are Christians by our love.’ [John 13:35] – so let us show love when we share our opinions. We can do it from hearts filled, not with sentimental froth, but with His supernatural love. Even then, you will be hated as I have been.
E.g. Slapped across both cheeks to see if you believe the Bible, – I have been!!
Stoned [not the drunken kind] – I have been!
Recently, 62 letters were sent out to pastors of churches within a 1 mile radius of a centre where babies are being murdered, Not a misprint [murdered], and no one bothered to reply.
[1] poisoned – [murdered by a saline solution], a truly agonizing death or
[2] ripped apart and removed from what should be the safest place on earth – their mother’s womb.
The Roman Catholic church [for all its faults] among others, is standing against this scourge, which we wlll one day answer to God for. The myth that babies in utero can’t feel pain has been blown out of the water by Dr Ben Carson [USA, neurosurgeon], who has operated many times on babies before birth. He has found they actually need more anaesthesia because they feel pain more. So do we believe politicians or someone who knows and cares!
Not only has the Roman Catholic church adamantly opposed this illegal action, which has been forced on N.Irish citizens and paid for from questionable sources, but they have condemned the laws allowing Same Sex marriage etc, while other Protestant ministers are too afraid to ‘rock the boat!’
Listen, God’s Word never changes! It has always been truth and light, and as long as we live by its precepts – we will have God’s blessing on us.
As missionaries, we are on a quest, to reach as many people in the World with the Gospel as possible [John 3:16, Romans 4:12], to see them come to faith [ Ephesians 2:8-10] and to disciple them until they can do the same! But everyone is free to make up their own mind! We hold 100% to the Gospel preaching regarding the New birth – but we still have hundreds of friends who don’t see things as we do, yet!
Recently, and rightly so, the Roman Catholic church has been castigated for its failures in protecting its children from the shameful intentions of so many priests, much of which has been covered up for years.
It is also known as the Add-on church:
• Faith plus Works
• Grace plus Merit
• Christ plus Mediators
• Scripture plus Tradition
• The Glory of God plus Glory of Saints.
As someone said, the difference between the ordinary and the extra-ordinary is that little bit extra. So, do all these extras make the Roman Catholic church extraordinary ? – No!
Many refugees, who call themselves Christians, are still praying to Mary and worshipping saints in their desperation. Jesus said in John 14:6: ‘I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father but by Me! Jesus alone died to Redeem us and Jesus alone can save us!!
His Gift of Forgiveness is Free and Simple:
(i) Repent, (ii) Believe, (iii) Accept (iv) Share
This is how to be saved!
This is how to be sure!
This is how to be satisfied!
Have I any alternative? No!!
In the course of our ministry, we have met only 2 or 3 Born again believing refugees, but we have met dozens of these Syrian by birth ‘Christians.’ In giving them Scriptures in their own language, these folks are thoroughly confused, as to what the new birth in John 3 could mean. It reminds us of the verse in [Matthew 7:21] ’Not every one that says to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of my Father who is in heaven.’
On hearing the explanation of God’s greatest story, many sat in tears, wondering had the nightmare in Syria been allowed to happen, that they could discover this wonderful fact. Some hugged and even kissed us for sharing.
Syria needs to be rebuilt for people to either remain or return there, but let us not only reach out to help those in Syria, but reach out to help those who have fled its borders, enduring a desperate dangerous passage and are seeking to live a peaceful life in Europe or UK.
Brother Andrew, [founder of Open doors’] wrote a book called, ‘God’s Smuggler’ which changed my life and I will be eternally grateful for this incredible man, who risked all in many parts of the World [Eastern Europe, Muslim World etc and they all respect him for who he is. Open Doors have invested untold millions helping persecuted believers in many lands, from providing Bibles in the needed languages, paying for education, court cases, trauma classes to help the persecuted stand strong, feeding programs, sponsorship, crisis relief, care for families of imprisoned pastors, to name but a few of their ministries. I too, have been disappointed regarding some of what has been published about the Papal visit, but what they are trying to show in this venture is solidarity, by coming together with Christians, Jews and Muslims, in a bid to stop the persecution of people of faith, and make a platform to rebuild this land.
Our family have been in different lands and locations, where these type of Rallies were being held. We had the opportunity of meeting thousands of [mostly] sincere religious people, longing for assurance of sins forgiven and peace with God. They don’t know they need to be Born Again, that a water baptism isn’t strong enough to wash away our sins, but Faith in the Precious blood of Christ is! ‘It is finished!’ was His cry and 3 days later He arose. The only one ever to do so! That is enough for me and for you!
Let’s trust Him and then try to help Syria, in whatever way we can.

30/06/2020 – Another “Lyttle” update to keep you posted:

Tuesday, June 30th, 2020

We were among the millions of others taken by surprise with the Covid 19 pandemic, so it is absolutely wonderful to be in the capable, all sufficient arms of the One who is never caught by surprise and who, despite all the signs indicating otherwise, is still in control of this sin-soaked planet. Romans 8:28 & Ephesians 3:20 are both still gloriously true. Jonathan Falwell quoted his late father Jerry as saying, “Life is filled with glorious opportunities, brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems.” We need only believe it and be on the lookout for these possibilities!

We have been allowed to remain in our little apartment for the meantime, and are so grateful for those who made that possible. This has had the added blessing of us being able to use Wifi, which would not have happened if we were locked down in our home in Greece, so we are very thankful for that fact as well. When David hasn”t been preaching by Zoom or some other media, Sundays and some weekday evenings have been spent listening to various services where friends have been taking part, sermons from reputable bible scholars and preachers and just enjoying the blessing of soaking in God”s Word put forth so aptly for this particular time. As travel became less restrictive, some fellowships here in Northern Ireland have been holding Drive in Services and¬† have found those to be very well attended. This has been also helpful to those who were don”t have access to computers or use the internet to pick up services. How much we appreciate this blessing of being spiritually fed and uplifted and thank each pastor, friend or faithful servant who made the extra effort to reach out with the Lord”s messages to our hearts.

David has also taken part in a few services from here in NI, to the UK, and further afield to Greece, North Macedonia and Poland. He certainly is very glad to be able to have the opportunity, although he doesn”t find it very easy speaking to a camera instead of a congregation, and of course, we miss having fellowship with you all. It is good and amazing to be part of, but we would not like it to stay like this!! However, on the plus side, people who would not normally attend church have tuned in to sermons, been challenged and are asking very direct questions. We trust that many find the Saviour and are willing to meet together with believers when churches open up again. We will continue to reach out via FaceTime, You tube, Zoom etc, while we are here, as requested.

The good news is that from this coming Sunday, many churches are reopening, albeit with restrictions on numbers and activities. We look forward to seeing how it will all happen.

Countless people have found lockdown so very restrictive and have suffered emotionally or psychologically as a result in one way or another. Others have lost or expect to lose their jobs and for a large percentage of people, finances are a huge worry at this time. Domestic abuse had risen as a result of these extra strains and the subsequent tensions. Many people suffering from depression and self-harming, believe suicide is the only way out. We have been reaching out, trying to be of help and comfort to people in these situations, as we know the Lord can meet them at the point of their need. How sad it is when people get to the end of their rope and feel they can”t take any more. We need to reach out with the message of hope while we can, as Jesus is the only real answer to each and every problem. What a blessed privilege it has been to be able to pray for those sick and suffering and see many return to health, even when it seemed so impossible. None of us as believers, claim to be deserving of this privilege, but what we do have is God”s free gift, available to all!! Don”t let us miss an opportunity to help someone find their way to Him.

In our last update, we mentioned that our 40″ container was waiting to be loaded! Well thanks to many of you here in Northern Ireland, that container is now completely filled. We have had lots of new clothing given to us, by a Christian firm and also from a leading supermarket chain. Therefore, considering the fact that after the period of grace for Brexit ends next year, we may no longer be able to transport these goods without high taxes being charged, and also because there is a still a high availability of good clothing to be transported, we have felt the need to purchase a second container. Now, we have already begun filling that container and if you have anything to go into it, then please contact us.

We miss being in Greece and Macedonia and are very grateful for the young folks that are keeping their eye on our camp and mission HQ. The refugees have been 14 weeks in strict lockdown in Greece and no one was allowed in and out except for dire emergencies. Food was left at the gate and that was about it. These very strict restrictions, although they sound inhumane,  did however prevent Covid 19 from entering most of the camps, which would never have been able to deal with the pandemic. Washing and hygiene facilities are so poor and people live in such close proximity, it would have been a real disaster. Now as the situation is relaxing some of our team are going in and out to bring people to hospital and urgent appointments. If there is no increase in cases in Greece, this will slowly be opened up again.

As for our return to Greece, so far the Greeks are not allowing UK residents to travel into the country. This will be looked at again on July 15th, when we hope that if our numbers of infected people has reduced sufficiently, they will give us a date when we can begin the journey back. We trust we are learning patience and continue to rest in His Perfect Will for our lives! As soon as we leave the country, the first container will be sent out after us. We hope to have the second one out by early October. In our next letter, we hope to have more news on that front!!!

Thank you so much for the many phone calls, emails etc that have encouraged us over these past weeks. We are so thankful for each one who remembers us and the work in prayer. Thank you also for your continued support of the work. Without you, it wouldn”t be possible. God chose to use this method to spread His Word to the World. Thank you.

Yours in His Glad service

David & Wilma Lyttle



A “Lyttle” Update for those wondering where and how we are:

Friday, March 27th, 2020

According to our plans, today, should have seen us leaving N. Ireland for our English deputation meetings, followed by Scotland in late April/early May, but Corona virus restrictions have changed the “best laid plans of mice and men.”

We are well, under lockdown restrictions, like everyone else here in N. Ireland, and very thankful to be allowed to stay on in this apartment at least for the foreseeable future.

Our last meeting in N. Ireland was conducted through Zoom, where we were joined by the members of the fellowship over the computer. A totally new experience for us and for David especially to have to speak that way. But, it has been amazing to see how churches are using technology to get the message of the Hope of the Gospel out to people during these difficult times. For us, it is a feast of sermons which we can listen to at any time of the day or even night. We are so very grateful to the techy people who set these things up for their congregations, and to pastors/musicians who are doing this service for all of us. We trust too, that not only would believers be helped and comforted through these sermons, but that many who would not normally attend church services, will be challenged, converted, comforted and helped in these days. Psalm 91, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Isaiah 26:20, Colossians 1:9-20, are all good passages to rebuke, encourage and bless us, as we immerse ourselves in Scripture and prayer.

Our 40″ container is waiting to be filled, but at the moment we cant do any loading. Those of you collecting clothing, toiletries etc. to send to the refugees, don”t worry, it will happen ‚Äì Later!!! Thank you for your willingness to help in this way!

Meanwhile, be sensible, obey the rules and do your best to stay healthy! Remember if you belong to Jesus, you don”t have to fear, He will never leave you. God is still Sovereign and He is still on the Throne. Remembering this will keep things in perspective, even when or especially when, we don”t know what”s ahead. We should use this time of restriction, for rest, reflection, repentance, recommitment and come out of it, more ready and better prepared to serve our Saviour and Lord in this broken world, until He comes or calls!

Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support of Mizpah Outreach and the work of the Lord in Greece and North Macedonia. Please continue to remember the refugees in even more dire straits, due to most NGO”s being at home for their own safety. David & Wilma

Is there enough Evidence to prove we are Christians?

Monday, November 6th, 2017

We all know the Josh McDowell story that if we were to be arrested for being a Christian would there be enough evidence in our lives to bring a guilty verdict against us. I trust there would and we may need in future to make sure that evidence is clear to be seen, as the way things are going in our world today, Christians are being arrested or falsely accused for all sorts of reasons.
There is another plaque going around that my cousin recently had on FaceBook, which gives 12 reasons why the world thinks we as believers are mad. These are very good, if somewhat funny, when we try to look at ourselves through the eyes of the world.
To highlight a few of the traits the world find hard to believe about a Christian, yet when questioned it is often one of these “peculiarities” seen in a Christian, which attracts a non-believer to Christ. Therefore, if we aren”t showing these attributes, we would really need to question our allegiance to this faith:

1. We believe a report of someone rising from the dead! [Luke 24:10-11]
We most certainly do love Him and He most definitely did rise again. Seen by over 500 witnesses between the Resurrection and His Ascendance into Heaven. Don”t you think if they had a body, the authorities wouldn”t have joyfully produced it after three days was up, to try and prove what He said was wrong and that the disciples were lying when they said, “He is Risen”? Test the waters, read the evidence, Jesus doesn”t mind your questions. He wants you to find the answers.

2. We love someone we have never seen [1 Peter 1:7-9]
True, we haven”t seen Jesus in the flesh, as yet. But we have seen His works and His Hand in our lives each day, as He appears to us in so many ways, protecting, guiding, comforting, and keeping us in the center of His Will which is good, acceptable and perfect for us. We know Him, through the pages of God”s Word, through the promptings and leadings of the Holy Spirit and by the many personal experiences He brings us through to make us more like Him. He loved us before we loved Him, but after He drew us to Himself, we couldn”t do anything less than fall deeply in love with our Savior. My friend, if you don”t know Him, He still loves you and longs that you seek after Truth. “You will find Him if you seek Him with all your Heart.” Deuteronomy 4:29.

3. We know we are wrong [sinners] [Romans 7:18]
If we are honest, there is no one who is always right, so no matter who we are we are often wrong. Therefore, it is not hard to admit that we are wrong. Ever seen a few month old baby throw a temper tantrum, when it doesn”t get what he wants immediately? Have you witnessed a toddler who doesn”t get his own way? We don”t need taught how to sin, its there from the beginning! Actually, when you admit you are a sinner, and accept Jesus” offer of forgiveness, it is a huge relief, the burden is removed and with joy we know, that He is daily changing your character as we keep close to Him. Its only then you realize just how impossible it is to be upright and just without His Spirit living in you.

4. We talk to God and expect Him to answer [Acts 12:13-16]
This is an amusing story of how the Christians were at prayer for Peter who was in prison and although they were asking God for his release, when Peter appears at the door, they don”t believe Rhoda who has answered the door. They think she has gone mad! So often, we ask God to do something special and yet how often when it happens are we surprised? Yes, we talk to God. Praise Him for this great privilege!! Through prayer we can affect the lives of people on the other side of the world, or we can see His hand in even the smallest problem in our own lives. He is always interested, always does what is best for us and because He knows the outcome or the end from the beginning, He won”t always give us what we ask right away, we may have to wait a while, but He will answer.

5. We spend our lives studying the Bible [Acts 26:24]
We could spend a thousand lifetimes studying His Word and always find something new in it. It is God-breathed, inspired, inerrant, and has all the answers we need for this life and tells us of the next life too. Some days, one verse can come as a comfort to us and that same passage can also be used to rebuke or guide us when that is what we need. His Word is precious, “sharper than any two edged sword‚Ķ., and discerns the intentions of the heart” Hebrews 4:12. The more we read and take advice, the more we are conformed to His image!

6. We pray for people whom we have never met and live on the other side of the world [Hebrews 13:3]
“Remember the prisoners, as though in prison with them, and those who are ill-treated, since you yourselves also are in the body” This is a very big privilege we have as believers to be able to pray for the people who have been imprisoned, tortured or persecuted for their faith. We are all part of the one body of believers and when one suffers, we all do, so we need to pray earnestly and help in many other ways to alleviate and comfort the suffering brothers and sisters. We can also pray for God to touch sick people when we are not able to be with them and to speak to the hearts of unbelieving friends and family. God has given us this great gift of two way communication with Him and we need to use it more. It is like everything else, the more we use it, the more accustomed we are to how it works and comfortable we are to use this precious gift! We become excited to watch how God is going to answer us this time.

7. We invite strangers, give money, our address etc. to needy people we don”t know
[Mark 3:19b-22]
Hospitality is a blessing we offer others and immediately when we meet other brothers and sisters, we are bonded with them, as we are after all, each one adopted into His family, so we are one big family! True, not everyone thinks exactly like the other and we are many varieties, personalities and characters, but all striving to follow Jesus and have the one goal of getting to know God better, of one day going to Heaven with Him and taking as many others with us as possible. No believers don”t remain strangers for long.
[1 John 3:14]”We know that we love God because we also love the brethren.”
But, we also offer hospitality and love to people in need, as no matter what need a person has, the most important thing he needs is to know that someone loves them and we can show them Jesus love for them. How many have been reached for Christ by an act of love from a believer. Let us be willing to reach out of our comfort zones and show love to others.

8. No matter the danger, we don”t compromise the message [Jeremiah:26-27] [John 10:18-21]

God gives needed grace for each situation we find ourselves in. It is easy to worry that we might let the Lord down in a difficult situation, and we may, but he does forgive. Look at Peter”s story: He always seemed to put his foot in it, even to denying the Lord three times and yet, after the Lord forgave him, Peter became one of the greatest carriers of the Christian message this world has ever known and died a martyr”s death, choosing to die on an upside down cross, as he didn”t think himself worthy to die in the same way Jesus did. God gave the grace Peter needed when he needed it.
According to historical tradition, it is said, that the Apostle John was dipped in boiling oil and came out of it unscathed, before he was exiled to Patmos. Yes, these men did not compromise the message even if it meant death. Throughout the ages, there have been believers called upon to deny Christ or suffer martyrdom. Some of these torture methods have been despicable, but we experience the freedoms we have, largely because of the efforts of those who suffered unto death. I know, these freedoms are greatly curtailed in many lands today and indeed, it is becoming so in our own land, but I still believe as the old covenanter once said, We will get “boiling oil grace” when we need it, if we stand on the message and trust Jesus with the consequences. Indeed, we must, or our children and grandchildren won”t have the opportunity to follow Christ in Freedom, as we have had.
David & I just watched the movie, “Do you Believe” again, and if you need a modern day movie to show people, especially non-believers, on what it really means to follow Jesus and to live for Him in every situation, this is the one to watch. It gives a good view of some of the scenarios, which make the world think we are mad.
If having this relationship with Jesus and living for Him is what makes people think we are mad, we are so glad to be able to show Jesus to them. Then we can be certain, that there will be enough evidence to show we are His Children. So, let us all continue, with abundant joy, to serve Him and live this mad life, knowing even if we suffer for Him, others will be praying for us and together we will all one day spend eternity in Heaven.

Grace & Mercy

Saturday, August 19th, 2017

In some languages, one being Macedonian, there is not two words in the Bible translation for the word “Mercy” and the word “Grace.” Both are translated as “Milosta ” [–º–∏–ª–æ—Å—Ça]. While these two words are similar, and often placed together, they have different meanings Mercy doesn”t give you what you do deserve, and Grace gives you what you don”t deserve. For instance, if you committed a crime deserving imprisonment, but the judge didn”t give a prison sentence, then he was showing Mercy. ¬† ¬† ¬† ¬† However, if instead of punishing you, he rewarded you and paid the price of your crime, then he would be showing Grace. ¬†Yes, we need both words! What a lot we miss from our Bible reading if we only have one word instead of two. When God sent Jesus to be our Redeemer, He was showing us Mercy upon Mercy, and when Jesus paid the price for our sin and redeemed us, placing us as joint heirs with Himself, that was Grace upon Grace!

What a wonderful joy and a blessing not only to have both these words in our vocabulary, but to experience the Mercy and Grace of God for ourselves, by asking Him to forgive our sins and come into our lives. The difference between God and a human Judge, is that he made the same provision for all sinners, no matter who we are or what our sin looks like! As long as we are breathing, God has promised to save all who call upon His name in confession and repentance. And then never to leave us, but to guide and help us every day, until we see his Face in eternity.¬† No matter our race, color, ethnicity, status, job, upbringing etc etc, there is no other way to Heaven with Jesus and God, except we follow this route. If there was any other way, Jesus would not have had to die on the cross, but He did and rose again, having defeated death and paid the price for our sins. That is His unlimited mercy and unmerited grace, all because of God”s unconditional love for each one of us, but only if we accept the gift as it has been offered to us.

What are we waiting for: till we get older, till we get married, till we prove the Bible to be true, till we get all the verses we don”t understand explained. If these are some of the reasons you would put off trusting in Jesus, make sure you are not too late, too busy, unable to accept the truth when you see it, or unwilling to bend the knee before the Lord. We will not understand everything until we see Him face to face!In the Bible, it says clear enough for each of us to understand, that before the Lords return to the earth for His people, there will be “wars and rumors of wars [Matthew 24:6, Mark 13:7], nation will turn against nation, kingdom rise against kingdom, [Matthew 24:7, Mark 13:8], and famines, pestilences and earthquakes”. [same verses]. Luke 21:11 adds “there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” Yes, we have had wars before, but never before have we had so many countries infighting, so many religions fighting among themselves, so many people trying to kill and terrorize their fellow man, so many on the move with nowhere to call home. And as for the signs in the Heavens, climate, wearing out of the old earth, what more will it take for us to realize time is short.

Christian, are you praying for the unsaved, those who are undecided or deliberating, those who have no interest and those who are closest to you. You better be, as you may be the only one who can reach that someone before it is too late. Why would anyone want to go through this life, seeing all that is happening today, without the assurance that God has forgiven us in Christ, and wants us to be together in Heaven? It is the most precious news you know, share it with others.To know with assurance that because of His Grace and Mercy, no matter how it happens or when, we will spend eternity with Him and with those who have gone on before. That is what Grace and Mercy is all about.

Prepared by God for the Task

Thursday, April 27th, 2017

It never ceases to amaze me, and yet it should not even be a surprise, that God has chosen so many people, like Esther to be in a particular place “for such a time as this.” A place where God could use them most effectively, where He has prepared them in advance for what He has planned, that they could serve Him better and bring Him Glory.

Esther as we know was in the King”s favor at a time when she was able to save her people, the Jews.

And the Apostle Paul – God had him picked out for the task in hand before he was even born. He was born in Tarsus, which although now Eastern Turkey, was then a Greek cityGreece, therefore spoke Greek, but because of Roman occupation, he was a Roman,  who also had Jewish parents, meaning he could speak Hebrew.  Eventually Saul became a Pharisee and one of the foremost persecutors of Christ. He had not only in his upbringing many advantages of learning, but also in his profession, he watched Christians first hand, most likely had much to do with him becoming impressed with their joy, their hope and willingness to follow their Lord at all costs, even if it meant their lives.

When Saul did meet with Jesus on the Damascus Road, it was in Aram, but is today Syria, and then went to Arabia [now Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Jordan], for preparation for the work God had called him to. He, became known as Paul, worked as a tentmaker for his keep, meaning he had the opportunity to meet up with all kinds of people from all walks of life. Isn”t that amazing preparation from birth to carrying out the work he was called to? No wonder the Apostle Paul not only became the founder of churches in Asia Minor and Greece, the leading missionary of the early Christian church, but through the Scriptures, he has had an effect on every believer up till now, and will continue till Jesus comes or calls.

As God prepared people for His work through the ages, He still prepares people for the task today. That is easily seen with some of the great men of God, who have been used down in revivals, to take countries and politicians to task, to stand firm for the cause of Christ against all odds etc.  We firmly believe, that a person given over to the Lord, will be used by Him and given the necessary ability to do what God asks of him.

Very often we may wish we had been born in another time, century, or country, but God places us in exactly the right time for us to be born. He knew us when we were still in our mothers wombs and even before we were conceived! Isn”t that an awesome thought to know He cared about us all the way from eternity till now.

Personally, It is without doubt, that through all the stages which God has brought us, He has guided and led us, taught and prepared us, chiseling often at the bits which were of self, to bring us to the place where we can be “for such a time as this.”¬† From the streets of Belfast, to the countries of Eastern Europe, to the Southern Balkans and eventually to being here in Greece when the refugees began to flow through, we were where He wanted us to be. Through the difficult stages as well as the glorious. We need to remember this when we see others going through difficult times that we wish they didn”t have to go through.

One young missionary girl from France, felt God leading her to learn Arabic as a student, which she did, only to have God call her then to Greece. She could not understand this happening about a year before the refugees began coming. But she came here and made herself useful helping in the church and working with those who could speak, French, English or Arabic. Then it happened and she knew why she was in this place “for such a time as this.” She has been used amazingly reaching many people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and giving them hope for the future.

Many of these men and women, who in these last months have accepted Jesus as Savior are now in the preparation stages of being able to reach out to their own people and seeing them also come to Christ. Peoples, who for so long had never heard the Gospel story are being reached, challenged and converted. God had his plan long before we were born and He will continue to carry out His plan till He has gathered in all His loved ones and Christ comes to take us home.

Place yourself in His hands, allow Him to prepare you and as He leads you through life, you will know that you are here, at His bidding, in His plan and purpose, “for such a time as this! It may not be what you planned, but it will be the perfect plan, to make you the most effective you can be.

Leaving things Behind!

Thursday, November 10th, 2016

During our last visit out of Greece for David to preach, we had a very full program, to make sure we were at one service for 10 am in the morning and another on the opposite side of the country for 4 pm.

The night before, I carefully packed everything we would need, including food & coffee for us to have along the journey between the two services.

Off we went in good time and had a uneventful pleasant journey until about 30 minutes from the border, when it suddenly dawned on me with horrors that our passports were still at home. Normally, I always carried them with us, but because we had used a backpack for a recent flight, they were still in that backpack. Wow, shock, and there was nothing else for it but to turn back and get them! Two hours to return home and another two just to get back where we were at the time of discovery!!!

The Bible reading for that morning had been “We have this treasure in jars of clay.” [2 Corinthians 4:7]. Jars of clay are cups and bowls and at that moment, I felt like the most chipped and flawed vessel that ever was! David already had a huge responsibility to drive many kilometers and still be fresh, to pass on God”s Word to two different congregations, so how did I not even give a thought to the fact that we needed passports to go to another country!!

But the message of that verse is ‚Äì “Don”t quit just because we are earthen vessels, chipped and flawed, as He isn”t finished with us yet!” Yes, we make mistakes, some we find out the reason for and others we may never know, but there is a purpose in all we do when we walk His way.

Now I don”t fully know the reason for this happening, and I still don”t relish the fact that David had to drive over 800 kilometers to preach, or that he missed the most of his first service, but I just have to trust the Lord with these things.

Still, it was on this day, that David was told, “the obvious joy he shows in His Christian life, even when things don”t always go according to plan, was what turned this man towards Jesus, and what makes him and his family strive to be more like Jesus every day.”

People don”t need to see us as perfect examples, but as joyful examples of imperfect sinners, saved by Perfect Grace! ” Treasures in earthen vessels!


Leaving things behind is not always bad!! In John 4, the woman at the Well when she found the Savior was so excited she left her water pots behind and went to tell others all that had happened to her. [28-29] She wasn”t thirsty any longer, but overflowing with the water of life which Christ had given her. When we come to Jesus, we will want to leave behind the things that hinder us from walking with the Lord. The friends who would hold us back from following, the sins, which brought no real satisfaction anyway!

When Jesus called Peter and Andrew, they willingly left their nets and followed Him. [Matthew 4:18-20] and later in the same chapter, James and John left their father, as well as their business, at the call of the Master. Let us be willing to lay aside or leave behind whatever would hold us back from doing His Will or answering His call, but let us be willing to show the cracks and the chips, which He seals up, as He fills us to overflowing with His joy, that others will want to know the Way to find the Lord in a more personal way.

When Jesus Comes!

Friday, August 19th, 2016

Recently, a guest in our home asked if we had ever heard the term “Parousia” when referring to Jesus soon return! That got me to thinking of the number of incidences in the Bible where Jesus return is talked about and the few times we now hear that subject preached about in our churches. Yet, if truth be told, “His coming is closer now than it ever was!” The multiplicity of disasters in the world, coupled with the new open opportunities Muslims now have to hear the Gospel, the use of internet etc, all the signs are pointing that way.


There are six Greek words used in the New Testament to signify “Come or coming” and it is unfortunate that in our English translations we can”t differentiate between the meaning of each one. Therefore we do need to look into the background of each word and verse to get the correct meaning, otherwise, it can be really confusing when we try to put it all into place.


If God, through the authors of the New Testament had wanted just to say that Jesus was coming back, they would have used the word Erchomai, which indicates the actual act of coming. “Behold, He comes or “is in the act of coming” with clouds”. Revelation 1:7.

This is the most common Greek word for coming and one we call to others, when we say, “I”m coming!”

The approaching second coming of our Lord Jesus is much more than just an arrival or an appearance, and to stress that fact while showing us the various facets to help our understanding, we have been given a number of descriptive words, depending on the situation being revealed to us.


While the word Parousia is often used to mean Jesus return or second coming, that is not strictly correct. Parousia comes from the Greek root “paremi” which means “to be present.” James 5:7 actually says, “Be patient unto the comingpresence” of the Lord.” This doesn”t denote a second coming but an arrival of someone whose presence is already here, but who has been expected. How much more wonderful is that for us as Believers to realize His Presence has never left us, He is already here, not just absent, and will sometime come again. I Thessalonians 4:13 “He may establish your hearts unblameable in Holiness before God. even our Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints.” Because of His continued presence with us, we can be found blameless when He comes.

This word is used 24 times in the New Testament, signifying that one day, this Lord Jesus, whom we carry in our hearts daily, will manifest Himself before us again.

Epiphaneia is found 6 times in the New Testament and means, “bring to light, to appear, to manifest,” Out of the darkness, at night comes a star which has been there all day, unseen by the naked eye and is manifested suddenly at night”. This word is used to show the Glory, which will be revealed at His Coming, as in Titus 2:13, where it reads, “Looking for that Blessed Hope and the Glorious appearing of the Great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.” But the underlying point is again, that He is already here now and will then be revealed!

Phaneroo means to “render apparent or make manifest,” but doesn”t so much refer to a visible presence but to an apparition or a perception. “When He shall “become apparent”, we shall be like Him!” 1 John 3:2

Heko is a word which indicates “coming to a specific place.” It is used in Revelation 2:25, “Hold Fast till I come to you,” meaning we are to keep the faith and keep on doing, till He comes.

Apokalupsis is the “uncovering or unveiling.” This is the revealing of one who has been veiled from us for some time. That doesn”t mean, He was not with us, but that He was veiled, we couldn”t see Him, although we can know His Presence. When He is revealed, we will be stricken by the wonder of His Glory. Paul used this same word in Galatians 1:11-12, “But I certify, brethren, the Gospel I preached is not of man, for I neither received it of man or was taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ!” It came to Paul [was unveiled to him], by inspiration, when others couldn”t see or understand it!

Some of the words used, have only subtle differences, but when they are all properly understood we do get a much fuller picture. But actually, all these words are only facets of His Coming, and I personally believe the most amazing fact is, that there is no single word to describe just how great it will be when our Saviour returns. He is already present with us, but then will be visibly present. He will come to the specific place we are at, and will be manifest before us in all His Glory. When we see Him, we shall be like Him, will gladly worship Him as every knee bows before Him. It will be like nothing we have ever experienced and more wonderful than can be imagined or described! Not even like going to see royalty or someone famous, as He will know each one of us personally and intimately! How can that even be?

Meantime, we get to enjoy His presence, His help and the assurance that He will Come Again!

But for those who have never heard, or reject His Word, this will be a terrible day!! No longer a day of Grace, but a day of realizing, “It is too late!” Don”t let that be the case! Be ready, for in such an hour as you think not the Son of Man will come” Matthew 24:44





We have a Story to tell to the Nations!

Wednesday, July 6th, 2016

Wow, this was a busy year!!! Cant believe it has been so long since I blogged! Time certainly passes fast and seems to get faster every year!

This has been a year with a lot of changes and differences. Usually experts give their predictions, promises and forecasts for each year, but I am sure not many people actually could have forecast the past 12 months accurately, and it is not over yet, the changes continue at such an amazing speed!

So many people have now left their homelands seeking refuge, jobs and new beginnings for one reason or another in another country. Many thousands are still stuck somewhere enroute to their dream place, some have lost the dream and are well disillusioned and others still live in hope!! What different stories the young folks travelling now will have to tell their children in years to come!

These people have witnessed terrible things at the hands of evil people and only the power of redemption and reconciliation through Jesus Christ can give them the peace they need in life!

For those who follow Jesus, the climax of our lives was when we were “rescued from the dominion of darkness and brought into the kingdom of the Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” [Colossians 1:13-14]

We all have a story to tell and praise the Lord, because we know Him, we have a message to share. As a result, many of these people who were fleeing their own regimes, will have a better story to tell their offspring!!! God has been preparing hearts and reaching to many of these people of various religions and showing them, that He has a better way, He is the Way, the Truth and the Life and many have found that peace through believing in Him.

So, now they have a new life in every way, whether they are still in a refugee camp or are settling into a new area of life!

We need to be good stewards of the message God has given us to share with the people, all people, wherever they are and wherever they came from. It is a great privilege to pass on the story of His great Faithfulness towards us and that He has promised that same faithfulness to all who trust in Him.

Jonathan & David in the Old Testament had a special relationship with each other of deep friendship and love. Especially when David was a fugitive himself, Jonathan went to him and encouraged him in God. We too can encourage each other with our story of God”s love and faithfulness even in the difficult times! People of other faiths are most often spoken to by the love they see from believers. It is not always what you say but what you do and how you show them you care that give you the audience to share the story of Jesus with others. They then want to know more about this steadfast love and care they can find in Jesus as Lord.

Now, in the last weeks, to add to all the upset in the world, we as British people have voted to leave the EU. Many are despairing now and wondering how we will cope, will we manage, or fail altogether? But the vote has been taken and one thing is for sure, it didn”t take God by surprise and He has it therefore all in control. He is the same steadfast, faithful Lord, and indeed He is all that is sure and certain in this world!!

Paul told Timothy, “‚Ķ..perilous times will come‚Ķevil men and imposters will grow worse and worse, ‚Ķ.but you must continue in the things you have learned and be assured, knowing of whom you have learned them!!” [2 Timothy 3] We have nothing to fear when we follow Him closely and His inspired Word instructs, corrects, and encourages us.

The Spiritual darkness of this world is growing deeper, but those who know and love Him are being moved to shine brighter, to share their story of Salvation with others and souls are being saved.

He is the same, yesterday, today and forever, and he is our joy and hope forever. That is what the world needs to know and we are the people who have to tell it out!!! The difference Christ made in our lives is a story worth telling, and in these uncertain days is a much-needed story!!!