Archive for the ‘General’ Category

A huge cost….

Thursday, July 2nd, 2009

..‘Whoever does not forsake all that he has cannot be my disciple’ Luke 14:33

The cost seems too great doesn’t it? How often do feel that way? Ok you say, I don’t mind giving up some things, but everything that I have that is a tall order.

Of course, when we think of what Jesus gave up for us and remind ourselves that He did it freely, it may help us see our needs, rights and all we have pale into insignificance and for at least a moment. But it doesn’t take too long before we are claiming everything back.

I really believe this is a work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, to give us greater devotion to the Lord, causing us to be willing to give Him our all. I know for sure I could not do it, nor would I even want to without His strength.

Taking a long hard look at what I do have, I realise, that which is precious to me was given to me anyway by the Lord Himself. Therefore, what better place to be and what more could I wish for than that the King of Heaven takes care of every person and everything who matter to me. He takes the best care of all that we entrust to Him, so why are we still so reluctant to give him our all?

Noel Grant, an Irish Evangelist, wrote the words of this poem,

‘Go through with God, your vows to pay, Your all upon the altar lay.¬†¬† The Holy Ghost will do the rest, and bring to you God’s very Best’

How true! Everything we entrust Him with is so much better off than if we held onto it tightly ourselves.  As we are willing to open up and let go, it also means we are released from the burdens of worry and concern over our possessions, friends and relations. He cares for the sparrows, and He can do it without our help, although as we are willing to hand over the reigns, He may even allow us to participate in directing the cause, but with him as Head.

May each one of us be ready and willing to yield and let us see the impact our submission will have on the unbelieving world around us.  It seldom happens at once and so often we give then take back. It is a continual process, a step at a time for most of us until we meet Him.

Striving for goals and using time wisely!

Saturday, June 27th, 2009

Another busy week on the house but the outside plastering is complete and we are very glad about that. Amazing, all the ideas of what you will do or feel you should be doing when you are working at something like this, and yet amazingly, when it is finished you feel a bit disorientated and don’t quite know what to do next. I find it strange every time workers leave, to cook again for only the two of us and take a while to adjust to the next task ahead.

Still it is getting there slowly, and as long as we keep the goal ahead of us and realize the people who can learn about the Bible, and experience a relationship with Jesus through this project, it goes fine and in His time.

I often fret about time, wondering if I am using it in the best possible way! For instance, when I finish a team project and then try to decide what is the next priority, but God’s plans and time schedules are often not ours. He sees the tasks that take so long as opportunities to get to know neighbours, to connect with needy souls, when I so often want it done!

He also wants us to have some downtime, to reflect, to recuperate and recharge batteries. But so often we have a million things more important to us. It is good to learn to rest in Him, listen to His voice and get things done in his Perfect time. His Grace is for every situation but we need to take time to draw on His Power for the days ahead! Not only for ourselves, but there are others out in the battle relying on our prayer, we need to take the time for that. There are family and friends not in the kingdom and we must make them also serious matters for prayer as this precious time is short!

Enjoy the weekend and keep close to Jesus! ‘Redeeming the Time because the days are evil.’ Ephesians 5:16


Friday, June 26th, 2009

Thank you for visiting We have only just set up our blog and we will be updating it regularly to keep you informed.
