The Trapped Pigeon

By Wilma on September 25, 2009

Last week when a friend of ours went into the church building, he heard a noise from the washroom area. On opening the door, he realized a pigeon had crawled in the air vent pipe and was now trapped inside. There was a window in the washroom and the bird kept throwing itself at the window on the hopes of getting outside. Other birds were flying around in his line of vision and he wanted to join them but kept hitting himself against the window pane and of course could not get out.

Our friend decided to leave the door open to try and allow the pigeon to fly through, but there was no way it was coming out into the room where he was. And so the confused bird kept trying to fly through the window pane. Eventually, our friend hid himself and after a while the pigeon decided it was safe to leave and so he did, as quickly as he could! But the mess he left behind was something awful.

There was not only pigeon droppings everywhere but feathers also, as in panic he had flown around and hit repeatedly against things. Our friend spent a good few hours cleaning up after the pigeon and as he was doing so began to see the parallel between our behavior and that of the pigeon.

God has provided a big area for each of us, where we are free to move around and be happy. Yet it is so often the cramped, difficult things that attract us. The things we are not allowed for our own good! We end up costing ourselves precious time and alienating ourselves from others who are believers. We lose so much joy because we do not want Christ”s way out of a problem. Especially, if it means we may have to ask someone”s forgiveness or maybe even forgive what someone has done to us. We would rather beat ourselves up than get to the root of the problem and return to the joy of the Lord.

Then we look back on the life we had before. We see others enjoying these freedoms and we are stuck and can”t go anywhere. We have caused a prison for ourselves and there seems to be no way of escape. The pane of glass lets us see through to the outside, but no matter how hard we bang our heads we remain imprisoned of our own doing.

Even although we may have learned there is Someone, who will release us and allow us our freedom, we will not go that way. Fear and rebellion makes us want to do it our own way! Yet the offer of freedom is staring us in the face. And while we are trying to free ourselves, what are we actually doing? Making a huge mess of everything we try, and leaving that mess for others to try to clean up for us.

If you don”t already know Jesus as your Saviour, He is offering you the freedom of sins forgiven and an eternal home in Heaven. If you are His child, but find yourself trapped again in sin and have lost the freedom you had in Christ, return to Him, He will allow you to be free again and will even help you clear up the mess! John 8: 36, “If the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed.”

If you are a Christian keep witnessing, keep showing those trapped in sin that there is a way out and He will bless you for it. Ask Him for opportunities to serve in this way!

Special Days!

By Wilma on September 14, 2009

This year we have had a very busy program and although that is not unusual, there have been other times when we have tried to set aside time for ourselves for birthdays and anniversaries etc. But this year, it was not looking like there was a chance of having some time around our anniversary, so neither of us were too worried.

However, it turned out we had a day spare. We quickly got ready for our next guests coming the following day and left the house before anything else would steal the time away. It was such a blessing just to have some time alone, time to think, chat, relax and have fun. In all the busyness of life we often forget to appreciate one another and this was an opportunity for that.

More importantly, I thought how often I rush through my time with the Lord, and how seldom I get time to spend at His feet appreciating all He does for me. In my younger years, I often took a day when I saw no one, but spent the time relaxing with my Bible and my Lord. Time to sleep, read, pray and listen! That was not difficult when the work hours were organized for me, but as life went on things got busier and when you are a full-time missionary, there is no official off duty, unless you make it!!!

There are many times of corporate or couple prayer but the time alone is vital more especially that the Lord can speak to us.

This week we feel refreshed and ready for the challenges and I have been reminded once again of the importance of shutting out the world and having time alone. When it was important for Jesus to do come aside and spend time with His Father, what makes us think we do not have to?

I also believe, if we do not do this of our own free-will, it could happen that we are laid aside for awhile that God can get our attention. How often have you heard someone say after an incident when they are unwillingly made to rest, that they had some great times with the Lord or that He had set them there to gain their full attention? We heard that also this past week as a friend of ours has been laid aside and already God has shown him some things he needs to put in order in his life.

As it reminds us in James 4:8, if you “Draw near to God, He will draw near to you.” Do you remember how delighted you are when a loved one draws near to you, wanting to be close to you and spend time with you? These times with God are special days and will be in our memories for a long time to come. They strengthen our faith as they show us God is in control and still working in the hearts of His children.

Take time this week to show those closest to you your appreciation, and you will also feel better for having thought about the things they do for you. But also, take time for God, appreciate Him and actually, you will feel refreshed and relaxed because of the immense blessing the privilege of communion with God affords us.

Caring for The Hurting

By Wilma on September 1, 2009

This week I have been reading a book about a couple who after having been married for 24 years discover that the wife has Multiple Sclerosis. The story goes through all the details of her illness and the different effects that has on the family. It also maps very graphically what it means to be a caregiver, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for many years.

This book is written very simply, primarily for lay people who are in the same situation as this family, but it is probably the most open, honest account of what life is really like, for the patient, for the caregiver and the other family members. For me there was nothing new to learn about Multiple Sclerosis in its pages, as that was not its purpose, but it affected me profoundly, to realize how often we care for the sick person and totally forget the one who is giving the care. In this world today, it is not to be taken for granted when someone decides to care for a loved one at home, yet seldom do we think of that person”s needs.

I was brought full circle round to thinking about how often we ask people how they are, not actually wanting to hear details, but hoping for a pat answer of , “Fine, thank you and yourself.” When people do have a major issue they wish to discuss, are they free to do it? Would we want to hear, “Not good, actually, I have had a terrible week‚Ķ..”, and if we got such an answer do we know what to do with it?

It is so easy to wear a mask when we are out meeting people and smile when asked how we are. It is often much easier and less problem to give the pat answer and keep the people happy. Yet, there are times when we desperately need someone to come alongside and listen to the hard things. Someone who will not judge us for the absence of the permanent smile pasted on our faces, or for experiencing a bad week. It is however, very hard to find that person, who will accept that kind of conversation, and treat you in the appropriate way.¬† Most get flustered, have no idea how to approach it and avoid asking you next time. Others can”t wait to find another listening ear to pass on the latest gossip to. Shame on us!

In our Christian lives, we are not promised it will always be easy, and there are certainly many Christians who are suffering for their faith, those who have problems finding work because they are believers, but there are also those whom God has allowed to carry very heavy burdens through this life. These people need us, not only to listen but to help carry the burden, without being intrusive into their lives. Cook a simple meal for a needy family, take the disabled child for a walk that the mother can shop in peace, offer to sit with a person who is housebound, to give the caregiver an opportunity to go the gym or take a swim, bring an elderly person out for an outing, or even to church. The opportunities are endless and need not cost us much more than a bit of time, but mean such a lot to those under stress.

But even without that much burden, everyone has “lousy” days: days when we would like to hide under the blankets and not come out till another time. These days do not mean we have “lost our joy” or “committed some crime.” Merely, that we are overtired, over stressed, over worked, needing a break or an uplift. What do you think Jesus felt like that night in the garden of Gethsemane when He asked God to remove the cup if possible? He had no real intention of giving up as He knew what he had to do, but the burden was proving hard to carry.

Let us think and look at the person we are asking after in church or even in the workplace. Look at them in the eyes, show concern and ask more probing questions than, How are you doing? Offer some kind of help without being asked. Don”t say, Can I make you a meal? But rather, Which day would be best for me to leave a meal around for the family? When is it appropriate for me to have a few hours alone sitting with your mother to let you get out? The caregiver will appreciate it and the housebound person will appreciate a different face and other conversation for a while, as they have very little to look forward to in a week.

Even if you are feeling a little down yourself, do it for someone else and you will be uplifted, as well as realizing afresh that there are always those much worse off than you. There is nothing like this realization to help shake us up to get on with life. If you would like to read the book called Silent Struggler by Glen Mollette, I highly recommend it.

Passing the Buck

By Wilma on August 19, 2009

We have family visiting this week, and on the return journey from a service we had a discussion about the origin of the phrase, “to pass the buck.” David had used it in a sermon and the translator could not translate it as she had no idea what he had meant. We had many ideas as to what it could or should have originated from, but none of our ideas were correct.

I looked it up and found this answer, “Passing the buck” originated from a ritual practiced during card games. Card players used to place a marker, called a “buck,” in front of the person who was the dealer. This was often a knife, and knives often had handles made of buck’s horn – hence the marker becoming known as a buck. When the dealer’s turn was done he ‘passed the buck’. Silver dollars were later used as markers and this is probably the origin of the use of buck as a slang term for dollar. That marker was passed to the next player along with the responsibility of dealing. Eventually “passing the buck” became synonymous with passing on responsibility.

Isn”t it strange how often we use phrases that we have no idea of the origin? Well, at least we know the modern meaning of the phrase, but what of those who are listening to us. Do we speak clearly enough that others hear what we want them to know? On this occasion, David had no problem finding another phrase which his translator understood, but in every day life, do people understand why we want to tell them about Jesus? How do we help them to understand the importance of the message of salvation for their eternal destiny?

Not one of us who are believers can “pass the buck” to anyone else, as it is our task to pass on the message. Jesus said, “Ye shall be my witnesses, in Jerusalem (at home), in all Judea (in the surrounding area) and Samaria (even to those we do not particularly like) and to the ends of the earth,” Acts 1:8. (parenthesis and italics mine) He wants us to witness of Him. That makes me think of what impression I leave on other people of who my Jesus is.

But he doesn’t leave us powerless to do this task. The same verse tells us we shall receive power from the Holy Spirit. There is no need to pass the buck! He will strengthen and empower us to do the job and also prepare the heart of the person we are witnessing to. It is after all His Will that they hear about Him and understand their need and the remedy for their sins.

While swimming this week, David”s brother heard shouts in a language he does not even know one word of. He could have passed the buck and ignored the lady calling. No one would have thought anything of it. But he didn”t. Instead, he took the responsibility on himself to go and see what the problem was and ended up rescuing a disabled lady, who was having difficulties in deep water. She would most certainly have drowned had he not done something.

Let us be on the look out for people to talk to this week who need to hear about Jesus. David is one of the best people who I know at this task. He can turn a simple question about time, weather or even directions into an opportunity to tell people about the need to be ready for Eternity, the Saviour who loves them unconditionally and made the way for them to get to Heaven. Not only that, but he loves to do it, savoring the opportunity to share with others what He knows to be great news. That is a Gift, and not all of us have a gift just like that. But we can live a life of example, help someone in need, give a Gospel Tract or say a word or two at the right moment. Then, at least in these instances, we need never “pass the buck”

Preparing for Guests Arriving:

By Wilma on August 10, 2009

This week we have been getting ready for the arrival of some of our family and as usual, I got to thinking about all the preparation etc.

Already a couple of weeks ago we were finding out all the things they might be interested in around the area for them to do while here.

Then last week, it was time to bake extra and stock the freezer. Cooking a couple of meals ahead to save time and leaving more freedom to entertain, seems like a sensible thing to do. Beds are made up clean and fresh and rooms dusted and cleaned.

We clean out cupboards and get into corners that we know fine well most guests will not be in, but we do it anyway. We are meticulous in cleaning where normally a light rub over will do. Why?

Because we don”t want the flaws in our housework to be discovered!

But I ask myself: Are the people any more comfortable because I have everything bleached and blitzblank? Most folks are not coming to view a house or inspect the dust, they are coming to see the people and we would be much more pleasant company if relaxed instead of stressed out with cleaning and sorting. But no matter whether we know that or not, we still clean our hearts out.

I wonder do we take the same care when we are meeting with the Lord! When He comes to visit us, are our hearts swept clean and ready for His Word to our hearts. Let us take time for Him this week and be ready and open to His still small voice prodding us to reach out to others.

When He sends someone into our lives needing our listening ear are we too busy with our own cluttered lives to listen to them? Is there something they are interested in that we could also learn about as a means of getting to know them better? Some common denominator, allowing us an opening to speak of the New Life Jesus can give them.

As I like to have the freezer stocked up with the fresh baking and cooking, let us prepare to be fresh and¬† have lives which are “a sweet-smelling savour” to the lost whom the Lord brings across our paths. People are hungry, and need to have that hunger satisfied. If we don”t fill their minds with thoughts of Jesus and their need of Him, then satan and the world will send them some appetizers and they will miss out on the real feast. Do we even stop to think of how awful a lost eternity will be for those who are not ready? It will be a million times worse than the worst scenario we can imagine and it will never cease! This should send us to our knees in earnest supplication.

Now that I am ready and prepared for my guests, I can look forward with anticipation to their arrival and all the fun and joy that holds. I have already decided on people we want to have over while they are here to have fellowship, food and fun. There will be a few surprise visits with people calling, as there always is in this house. As we anticipate the future with the Lord, make sure you are prepared and ready to bring as many others with you as you can. That is why He entrusted us with the message, that we could share it! It is amazing that no matter how we anticipate what eternity with Jesus will be like, there will be a few extra surprises and it will be much more than a million times more wonderful than the best we can possibly imagine. I Corinthians 2:6 declares, “Eye has not seen, nor has ear heard, what God has prepared for those who love Him.” And it will never end! Our guests will go home in a couple of weeks, but Heaven will go on for eternity. Only what is done for Jesus will last!



Bringing Heaven Closer.

By Wilma on August 3, 2009

I lost a special friend to cancer this week. Ok, she is not lost, as I know full well she is with her Saviour and happier than she ever was on this earth. But for me she is gone and I already miss her.

Helen was a few years older than me and still we became very close. Both Scottish, both nurses and both believers we had a lot in common, yet we only knew each other for about 12 years. Helen was the mission secretary for her church and there began the contact. She was a happy, bubbly person who oozed the love she had for the Lord to everyone she met.  She was capable, practical and totally efficient, yet could be thrilled at the smallest blessing and delighted by any touch from the Lord. She prayed, expected answers from the Lord, and was thrilled to hear of how He worked it out!

Helen battled her cancer in the best of ways, doing all she could to live, but also looking forward to the Lord taking her home, if it was His will. Even in her last days she struggled to write a letter, sending me the information about missions etc that she always sent. She had a great birthday two weeks before she died with many of those she loved around her, then put all her affairs in order and finished well!!!

John 16:33 says “In this world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” God never gives us grace for tomorrow, but for the moment we are going through right now. Helen was “of good cheer” even when being seemingly defeated by her cancer. She knew her victory was in total dependence on Christ. It was a lesson to me to see one who, in herself was so capable and efficient, be so totally reliant on God for every moment, accepting His will as Perfect.

Max Lucado writes, “Do you see Jesus in your clouds? Rev 1:7, Behold He is coming with clouds… Clouds are a sign that God is there, …..Sorrow, bereavement and suffering are actually the clouds that come along with God!”

We don”t often see it that way. Yes, we see the clouds of bereavement and sadness but don”t realize that God is revealing Himself to us through them and strengthening our faith. He gives us greater assurance that Heaven is ahead and He has the way ahead prepared for us. As the clouds pass over, we are left with the sweet memories of our loved ones and even this sad experience serves to assure us that the life ahead is so much more satisfying. That is the one side of it all.

The other side is a reminder of our great responsibility. We realize how short the time is and how many do not have that assurance. We are the only ones who can tell them about our Saviour Jesus Christ who loved enough to die for them and lives to make them ready for Heaven and Home. No other god or religion offers such assurance, such a future or such a pension scheme. We have this treasure, worth more than life, let us share it, until we meet with these loved ones again and rejoice together over all He has done.

His Word, The Bread of Life!

By Wilma on July 23, 2009

Recently, when passing on Christian tracts for outreach work, I was impressed by the differing reactions of believers and non- believers to God”s Word. There were many boxes to be moved and with some people, I could sense that they thought this a lot of work. There are actually even believers who do not see the effectiveness of putting a piece of God”s Word into someone else”s hand and giving them the opportunity to read it for themselves. These people seem to think god only speaks through the personal witness of a believer. True, He does speak that way and we are often the Bible the world will read and look to for direction to God.

The reaction of others was that they could not wait to hand the portions of God”s Word out to their friends. They were stuffing handfuls into pockets and handbags ready to give out and praising God they now had this opportunity. One lady was even giving them out before she left us. These are the people who are longing to share the Word with others, who realize that god gave His Word to us and in it is the power to save. God”s Word is His Inspired Word and leads people to Himself and to make their eternal destiny sure.

The unsaved who were receiving the tracts and booklets were not English speaking and they were very keen to get the literature. They are keen to know about this God, some from an intellectual point of view and others from the realization of a spiritual need. Whatever the reason god can work through His word and when human voice is silent He can bring the remembrance to the hearts of the hungry and lead them to Himself. We were thanked so much by believers and unsaved alike for bringing them God”s Word and it is a humbling feeling to be thanked for doing something so elementary for folks. We were not providing them with food, clothing or money and all of these things are greatly needed, but with God”s Word and yet you would have thought we had brought them bread. What a privilege to bring the Bread of Life to those who need it!

I wonder how much we appreciate all the books we have to help us in our Christian lives. Not just the Bible, but all the commentaries, dictionaries and other books explaining the Word to us. After David preached last Saturday, one lady who has been a believer for many years, asked him if the information he passed on was inspired upon him or were there actually books to help in study of the Bible. She is an ardent witness for the Lord but has never in her life seen a Bible commentary as there are none available in her language. Let us appreciate the guidebook He has given for our lives.

Praying and Believing

By Wilma on July 16, 2009

How often do I ask God to help me or do something for me and then worry that He won”t, or that the answer may not be what I want? If we did that with our earthly relationships the people involved would not have the impression we were putting a lot of trust in them. Yet they are human, and people will let us down at times. But God! He has never let us down and never will! Matthew 7:11 says, “How much more will your Father who is in Heaven, give good things to those who ask Him.” Let us ask in faith and believe He will answer.

As we intercede for others, who are ill, traveling, fearful, or in some other way needy, do we truly believe he will heal, protect and support. He has promised and He will do it. The Holy Spirit can give us the assurance that our prayers have reached the throne. He can give us the “peace that passes understanding” and then we can leave the burdens with the Lord.

This gets especially difficult as we remember to intercede for the unsaved members of our family, whom we have prayed years for, and those whom we see no change in. If we remember that it is not His Will that any should perish, but that all some to a saving knowledge of Himself, we will realize that He is working on our relatives in answer to our prayers. None of our prayers are wasted and none of our tears shed without notice, but oftentimes we run out of patience waiting on His perfect timing.

He has promised that, “Before you call, I will answer,” so we need to rest in the fact that He has already the answer on the way and be patient to wait for it.

I Thessalonians 5:17, says, “Pray without ceasing.” He wants us to pray and talk to Him and has promised to answer, so what would hinder us. With the Psalmist in Psalm 37:5 we can, “Commit your way unto the Lord and He will bring it to pass.” If God is the greatest factor in our prayers, we will pray for the things He lays on our hearts and will know with assurance that He has answered in the best possible way.

Today David went to help an old man with a job he needed done in his house. Afterward the old man said, “You have no idea how special it is for me to know when I call you, you will come and sort out the problem.” ¬†He believed David would help him and do what was needed. Let us in simple faith trust the Lord to answer our prayers and intercessions.

Designed for Fellowship!

By Wilma on July 9, 2009

During this past week, all our boys and their families have been traveling on vacation in the US, therefore were pretty much out of contact by email or other means. Since our boys all live in the US and we don”t often have direct contact, you would think it would make little difference to us where exactly they were in the US. We were just as busy as usual, yet for both of us the lack of that email or instant message contact left a gaping hole in our lives this past week. I don”t grudge them their holidays, they all need and deserve them, but it was strange to us to feel this way.

At first, I thought it was concern for their safety I was feeling, as they traveled so many miles on the road, but as I left each one with the Lord daily, I finally realized it was the contact we were missing. Naturally, this got me thinking!

How often do we do exactly that with God? We go on “vacation” so to speak, in our relationship with Him. Times, when we decide it is not necessary to talk and spend time with Him. Things are going well, He knows where I am and all about me, so we don”t communicate. We do not have Fellowship with Him, “cos we do not need anything in particular.

I wonder, would I have missed the emails etc from our boys if they had only previously contacted me when they had needs or wanted something from me? Probably not! I would have been thankful for the break! Likewise, if I only ever come to God with my list of needs and desires (even if these are all legitimate), that is not fellowship with God. He wants us to share our day with Him, the good and the rough.

Man was created for fellowship and each of us are set in families to continue that process. But so often we deny the Lord that fellowship with us. I know He misses, talking and sharing with us when we are on “vacation” for whatever reason. Is it not a wonderful thought that the God of the Universe, would actually miss having a conversation with me? But it is also a saddening thought when I think of how often I forget that or do not take the time.

He also wants us to listen to what He has to tell us that we can know more about Him and enjoy each other even more. The Shorter Catechism says, “Man”s chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him for ever.” We are made in His image, and amazing though it may seem, He also gets enjoyment from being with us and in doing so we glorify Him.

Everyone is home now, having had an enjoyable, restful time and back into everyday life. Emailing etc has resumed, but I trust I remember the lesson of this past week and fellowship with my Saviour regularly.

Fulfilling the vision!

By Wilma on July 6, 2009

God gives us a vision, a dream and we think this is it – now we just need to get going on it. But it is not often like that! He sometimes has to shape us to fit the vision and to make us usable for the fulfillment of that vision. Some of that shaping is not easy and requires above all else – patience. Holding on like grim death to the vision He gave us, in spite of every circumstance which seems to oppose the vision we have. If it is a God-given vision, it will be fulfilled. If it is not we have this opportunity to find out as it crumbles under the difficulties.

Why then does He give us the vision before getting us ready to experience it fulfilled? Wouldn”t it be less painful to be prepared and then to have the vision? Not so! As I see it, sometimes, if I did not have the vision, I would be hanging on by the skin of my teeth through the hard times. Sometimes, when things are just not happening, we need the vision to hang on tightly to or we would just give up!

Maybe also we need to learn, that it is His work. He does not need us to do it, He chose us to do it. He gave us the vision, true, but so we can see His Kingdom extended and the Father glorified.

“Where there is no vision, the people perish.” We need the vision to keep us close to Him. The people He wants us to reach need us to hang onto that vision, as we go out to bring them the Gospel by whatever means.

Keep the vision ever before you, Keep short accounts with God and keep close to Him through it all and He will bring it to pass.