30/06/2020 – Another “Lyttle” update to keep you posted:

We were among the millions of others taken by surprise with the Covid 19 pandemic, so it is absolutely wonderful to be in the capable, all sufficient arms of the One who is never caught by surprise and who, despite all the signs indicating otherwise, is still in control of this sin-soaked planet. Romans 8:28 & Ephesians 3:20 are both still gloriously true. Jonathan Falwell quoted his late father Jerry as saying, “Life is filled with glorious opportunities, brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems.” We need only believe it and be on the lookout for these possibilities!

We have been allowed to remain in our little apartment for the meantime, and are so grateful for those who made that possible. This has had the added blessing of us being able to use Wifi, which would not have happened if we were locked down in our home in Greece, so we are very thankful for that fact as well. When David hasn”t been preaching by Zoom or some other media, Sundays and some weekday evenings have been spent listening to various services where friends have been taking part, sermons from reputable bible scholars and preachers and just enjoying the blessing of soaking in God”s Word put forth so aptly for this particular time. As travel became less restrictive, some fellowships here in Northern Ireland have been holding Drive in Services and¬† have found those to be very well attended. This has been also helpful to those who were don”t have access to computers or use the internet to pick up services. How much we appreciate this blessing of being spiritually fed and uplifted and thank each pastor, friend or faithful servant who made the extra effort to reach out with the Lord”s messages to our hearts.

David has also taken part in a few services from here in NI, to the UK, and further afield to Greece, North Macedonia and Poland. He certainly is very glad to be able to have the opportunity, although he doesn”t find it very easy speaking to a camera instead of a congregation, and of course, we miss having fellowship with you all. It is good and amazing to be part of, but we would not like it to stay like this!! However, on the plus side, people who would not normally attend church have tuned in to sermons, been challenged and are asking very direct questions. We trust that many find the Saviour and are willing to meet together with believers when churches open up again. We will continue to reach out via FaceTime, You tube, Zoom etc, while we are here, as requested.

The good news is that from this coming Sunday, many churches are reopening, albeit with restrictions on numbers and activities. We look forward to seeing how it will all happen.

Countless people have found lockdown so very restrictive and have suffered emotionally or psychologically as a result in one way or another. Others have lost or expect to lose their jobs and for a large percentage of people, finances are a huge worry at this time. Domestic abuse had risen as a result of these extra strains and the subsequent tensions. Many people suffering from depression and self-harming, believe suicide is the only way out. We have been reaching out, trying to be of help and comfort to people in these situations, as we know the Lord can meet them at the point of their need. How sad it is when people get to the end of their rope and feel they can”t take any more. We need to reach out with the message of hope while we can, as Jesus is the only real answer to each and every problem. What a blessed privilege it has been to be able to pray for those sick and suffering and see many return to health, even when it seemed so impossible. None of us as believers, claim to be deserving of this privilege, but what we do have is God”s free gift, available to all!! Don”t let us miss an opportunity to help someone find their way to Him.

In our last update, we mentioned that our 40″ container was waiting to be loaded! Well thanks to many of you here in Northern Ireland, that container is now completely filled. We have had lots of new clothing given to us, by a Christian firm and also from a leading supermarket chain. Therefore, considering the fact that after the period of grace for Brexit ends next year, we may no longer be able to transport these goods without high taxes being charged, and also because there is a still a high availability of good clothing to be transported, we have felt the need to purchase a second container. Now, we have already begun filling that container and if you have anything to go into it, then please contact us.

We miss being in Greece and Macedonia and are very grateful for the young folks that are keeping their eye on our camp and mission HQ. The refugees have been 14 weeks in strict lockdown in Greece and no one was allowed in and out except for dire emergencies. Food was left at the gate and that was about it. These very strict restrictions, although they sound inhumane,  did however prevent Covid 19 from entering most of the camps, which would never have been able to deal with the pandemic. Washing and hygiene facilities are so poor and people live in such close proximity, it would have been a real disaster. Now as the situation is relaxing some of our team are going in and out to bring people to hospital and urgent appointments. If there is no increase in cases in Greece, this will slowly be opened up again.

As for our return to Greece, so far the Greeks are not allowing UK residents to travel into the country. This will be looked at again on July 15th, when we hope that if our numbers of infected people has reduced sufficiently, they will give us a date when we can begin the journey back. We trust we are learning patience and continue to rest in His Perfect Will for our lives! As soon as we leave the country, the first container will be sent out after us. We hope to have the second one out by early October. In our next letter, we hope to have more news on that front!!!

Thank you so much for the many phone calls, emails etc that have encouraged us over these past weeks. We are so thankful for each one who remembers us and the work in prayer. Thank you also for your continued support of the work. Without you, it wouldn”t be possible. God chose to use this method to spread His Word to the World. Thank you.

Yours in His Glad service

David & Wilma Lyttle



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